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Highlighting the Gender Insurance Gap together with Generali Austria

There are still huge inequalities between men and women in far too many areas of life. Most people are aware of the Gender Pay Gap. Fewer people are aware of the Gender Data Gap. And then there’s the Gender Insurance Gap, which most people probably haven’t even heard of. Reason enough for our client Generali Austria and us to publicise these issues.

  • 9.4 Mio
  • 3.7 Mio
    People reached
  • 761 k

Only 1/3 of insurance policies are taken out by women. This can lead to problems in case of an emergency or in old age, for example, in the event of occupational disability or if only a small pension is paid out. With the launch of our #GeneraliFragen campaign, we aimed to draw people’s attention to gender inequality in the insurance sector. We wanted to stimulate discussion and encourage others to take responsibility for gender equality.

The campaign featured video ads on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest and LinkedIn, as well as several blog articles, to bring the issues of the Gender Pay Gap, Gender Data Gap, and Gender Insurance Gap to the attention of our community. In the video ads, two employees of Generali Austria informed about the unequal treatment of women and men, one of the most socially critical issues of our time. To further promote understanding of these important issues, the campaign also included an influencer collaboration.

We deliberately refrained from gender-specific targeting and ran the campaign for both women and men in order to increase awareness of this subject among all people.

Judging by the reactions to our #GeneraliFragen campaign, we hit a nerve with it. The campaign reached over 3.7 million people, generating over 9.4 million impressions and over 761,000 interactions. Unfortunately, these also included numerous hate comments.

The fact that such an important social issue is so polarised is the best proof that it is still necessary to stand up for equal rights for men and women and to bring the issue to the forefront of the public’s awareness.

In June 2024, our joint campaign with Generali Austria was nominated at the Best of Content Marketing Awards 2024 in the category “B2C – Finance / Insurance / Taxes / Law”.

In October 2024, the campaign won Silver at the Digital Communication Awards 2024 in the category “Boldest Campaign”.

Curious? Let's have a chat.

Michael Schmidt

Creative Director / Mobility Industry Lead